Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feelings And Emotions

Love and happiness, natural states of the self or soul are often mistaken as emotions. These states exist and emerge naturally from within when we are unattached to any individual or thing. Caring, comforting, sympathy, compassion, acceptance and appreciation are all different forms of love. As regards happiness, it’s deepest form is contentment. The ability to express and feel these forms of love and happiness is reduced by emotional disturbances such as sadness, excitement, worry and fear, which exist in our minds. Most of us have been misled and believe that these emotional disturbances are various forms of love, happiness and care. In fact, we believe that fear is a form of respect. Regular practice of self introspection helps in understanding our feelings and emotions.


  1. Its true... There's a balance.. always... For light would never be appreciated if we've never been in the dark. Likewise, happiness and the emotional disturbances (as u mentioned) keep the balance. After all, if its happiness all the time, happiness would get really boring! :)

  2. Very true... hope u wud write more on the topic.. its quite interesting..
    keep going

  3. @Vijay...I beg to differ coz happiness is an essence of our being..By happiness I mean contentment from within and not the outer happiness that u mention..
