Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Power to Change

We are so immersed rather trapped in our own lives with tasks and responsibilities that the ability to look at ourselves is missing completely. We have forgotten to live, to see the truth of  who we are, why we are as we are and how to change it.
The pain and hardships that follow chronic problems in our lifestyles and relationships play havoc in our lives  so much so that we are unable to get our foothold and bring back equilibrium into our lives.
However, we forget that in reality coping with these unnerving experiences sharpens us to become better individuals.
Simple well chosen words accentuates self confidence, calms an aggressive mind and aids in setting and achieving goals. The most popular line “Every day in every way I am getting better”. Some  call these affirmations Auto-suggestions.
For the positive affirmations to bring about a real change in our life, our subconscious mind, the seat of our true thoughts and behavior, needs to be tapped. Without our subconscious mind a change in our lifestyle is difficult because the conscious mind will resist.
When we  power the mind with positive affirmations we encourage ourselves towards a positive change. These positive affirmations deliver a positive message to our subconscious mind and help boost and reinforce a positive change in us.
  • Sit in a quiet place. Relax. Quiet the mind by focusing on your breathing. This will help you to develop mental self-control and avoid distractions.
  • Incorporate a wish for some goal to be reached and an expectation that it will.
  • Evoke a strong positive affirmation during the process.
Let us bloom like the lotus because  the lotus swarms muddy waters, being held by a stem which rarely breaks no matter how much pressure  is applied.