Friday, December 28, 2012


A custom which is of Indian origin is used globally in various ways.

Namaste is an Indian custom of greeting and respect. The bowing of head with hands folded at the heart chakra is inculcated in us from childhood.

Namaste is the combination of nama means to bow and te means you. In other words, it means I bow to you. Both the hands are joined with the palms facing each other at the level of our heart chakra , the seat of love and compassion.

During prayers, with the head slightly bowed, the hands are folded at the heart chakra, finger tips of both the palms touch each other not the palms. The folded hands are then raised upto the forehead, thumbs touching the ajna chakra. At the end of the prayers, the hands are placed at the heart chakra with wrists touching the chest.

Namaste posture is also used for invocations during Reiki initiations, at the start and end of healing sessions.

When you greet an individual with an Atma Namaste, you identify him / her as a jivatma and not in his / her physical form.

When you want to be forgiven for hurting someone knowingly or unknowingly through words, deeds or action, look in his / her eyes and say, I salute the divinity in you. I salute the GOD in you. You identify the presence of GOD in the jivatma and ask for forgiveness.

Benefits: When the hands are folded, divine energy is assimilated through the hand minor chakras. At the heart, the flow of love increases due to activation of the heart chakra. Bowing the head and closing the eyes during prayer helps the mind to surrender to the Divine in the heart. At the same time, subtle energies from the lower chakras get activated. This enables the body to accept large amounts of divine energy emitted by the  GOD / Deity. When the thumb touches the ajna chakra, the mind once again surrenders, divine energy enters through the ajna and flows through the entire body through the Sushumna nadi. Thus purifying the physical (gross) and energy (subtle) bodies at the same time. When the hands are placed at the heart chakra with wrists touching the chest, one is able to completely imbibe divine energy.

Therefore friends, use Namaste  frequently in your day to day life...

Signing off with a Namaste…… means warm regards..

Monday, October 22, 2012

Nadis and Kundalini Shakti

In additition to the seven chakras, a subtle system of channels reside within the energy/bioplasmic body. These channels are the psychic nerve currents called as nadis. There are about 72,000 nadis and resemble the network of nerves in our nervous system. Sushumna, Ida and Pingala originate from below the Basic or Root chakra (Muladhara) are the most important nadis through which energy/prana flows in a spiral motion.

From Basic or Root chakra, Ida and Pingala alternate at each chakra until they reach Third Eye chakra (Ajna) where they meet again with Sushumna (Mukta Triveni). Continuing beyond Ajna chakra, Ida ends in the left nostril and and Pingala in the right nostril.

Sushumna nadi is the central channel, rises straight up from below the Basic chakra (Muladhara) to Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) at the top of the head. It appears to be associated with the river Saraswati.

Energy/Prana crisscrosses from left to right and right to left. When energy spirals to the left it flows through the Ida nadi. Ida is white, feminine, cold, represents the moon and is associated with the river Ganga. Ida is also known as Chandra nadi.

When energy spirals to the right it flows through the Pingala nadi. Pingala is red, masculine, hot, represents the sun and is associated with the river Yamuna. Pingala is also regarded as the Surya nadi.

Kundalini Shakti (Sacred Fire), is symbolized by a serpent coiled into three and a half circles around the central axis Svayambhu-linga at the base of the spine. The serpent lies blocking the entrance to Sushumna, the central channel with his mouth. Sushumna remains closed at its lower end as long as Kundalini is static.

In Kundalini Yoga Energy/Prana is guided to move through Ida and Pingala down to the base of the spine into the space where Kundalini lies coiled. As the energy spirals, it moves down pathways that form the spiral from the top of the head to the base. Shakti Kundalini will then awaken and rise up Sushumna, energizing the seven chakras.

Once the Kundalini Shakti has ascended through Sushumna to Crown Chakra, the highest psychic center at the top of the head, it is made to reverse its course and return to rest in the base center again.

When the kundalini is awakened, the positive and negative qualities within a person gets magnified. Therefore practice of inner purification is of utmost importance. Kundalini syndrome may manifest as insomnia, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, hypertension, overheating of the body to name a few.

This is a very powerful yogic technique and the practitioner has to be guided by well trained personnel only.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chakras (Energy Centers)

Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world.

At the same time, within our energy / bioplasmic body resides a subtle system of channels (nadis-Sushumna, Pingla, Ida) and energy bodies (seven chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.

Each of the seven chakras are constantly rotating and exhibit several spiritual qualities. These qualities are intact within us, and even though they might not always be manifest, they can never be destroyed.

When the Kundalini is activated, these qualities start manifesting spontaneously and express themselves in our life. Thus, through regular meditation, we become very dynamic, creative, confident and at the same time very humble, loving and compassionate. It is a process which starts to develop by itself when the Kundalini rises and starts to nourish our chakras.

However, sometimes our feelings and thinking are not in synchrony. As a result, some chakras are not open enough (being under-active), and to compensate, other chakras are over-active. The ideal state is where the chakras are balanced.

Disease first affect these energy bodies before manifesting in the physical body.

Location of Chakras In the Body


1. Root chakra / Muladhara chakra (Supra renal) - Element- Earth. Colour - Red. Shape-Four petal lotus.
The first chakra is situated below the sacrum bone near which resides the Kundalini energy, and its main aspect is grounding. Well developed root chakra gives us dignity, balance, and a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life. In other words, inner wisdom, simplicity, purity, joy, abundance and creative expression, a healthy body and mind.

When this chakra is underactive, one is fearful or nervous. An overactive root chakra makes one greedy and materialistic.

Imbalance leads to depression, bodyache, body stiffness, blood and bone disorders. Connected to kidneys, bladder and spine.

Meditation Mantra –Lam.

2. Hara/Sacral chakra /Swadisthana chakra (Gonads) - Element- Water. Colour - Orange. Shape-Six petal lotus.

Center of sexual energy, feelings and emotions, creativity, pure attention and pure knowledge. It is the one which connects us to the inner source of inspiration, and enables us to experience the beauty around us. The pure knowledge given by this chakra is not mental, but it is direct perception of the Reality, that can be felt in our palms and indicates our subtle blockages. Also this is the center of pure, steady attention and power of concentration. When we think too much, this center gets drained of energy and diseases like diabetes or blood cancer can occur when this chakra goes completely out of balance.

Imbalance leads to increase urination, problems in sexual life, ladies-gynec problems. Connected to reproductive organs. On the physical level it looks after our liver, kidneys, and the lower abdomen.

Meditation Mantra –Vam.

3. Solar Plexus chakra /Nabhi /Manipura chakra (Adrenal glands)- Element- Fire. Colour – Yellow. Shape-Ten petal lotus.

Center of power and wisdom. It is the seat of all emotions and feelings. We draw feelings from the solar plexus and feel at the heart. This chakra is the one that gives us the sense of generosity, complete satisfaction and contentment. On the left side, the main quality of this center is peace - clearing this chakra can relieve stress and tensions. On the right side, it looks after our liver which is the organ of our attention and power of concentration.

When enlightened by the Kundalini, the Nabhi chakra gives us our spiritual ascent, righteousness and inner sense of morality, and complete balance at all levels in our life.

Imbalance leads to blood disorders, indigestion, acidity, gas, allergy, infection, diabetes. Connected to stomach, liver and gall bladder.

Meditation Mantra – Ram.

4. Heart chakra / Anahata chakra (Thymus gland) - Element - Air. Colour - Green. Shape- Twelve petal lotus.

Center of compassion and love. The heart chakra is the one that gives us the sense of responsibility and pure behavior towards others. All our worries, doubts and fears are destroyed when the heart chakra is fully enlightened by the Kundalini. Under active heart chakra makes one cold and distant.

Imbalance leads to asthma, various heart conditions, depression and bodyache. Connected to heart, lungs, liver and circulatory system.

Meditation Mantra –Yam / Hum.

5. Throat Chakra /Vishuddhi chakra(Thyroid gland) - Element-Sound. Colour - Blue. Shape-Sixteen petal lotus.

It is the chakra of communication , diplomacy and self expression. It removes all our guilts and remorses, tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others.When over active the feelings of superiority sets in. When under active, one is introverted and shy.Feelings of superiority, inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished by the Kundalini.

Imbalance leads to increase in bile and phlegm. Connected to throat and lungs.

Meditation Mantra – Ham.

6. Third Eye / Ajna/ Agnya chakra (Pituitary gland) -Element - Light. Colour - Indigo. Shape-Two petal lotus.

It is the intuition center, inner wisdom, forgiveness and compassion. Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment and to discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit. It is the one that dissolves all our ego, conditionings, habits, false ideas of racialism, and all our misidentifications.

Roving eyes, watching impure things, or self-centeredness damage this chakra. Watching the sky, earth or nature can help cleanse it.

Connected with Autonomous nervous system and hypothalamus.

Meditation Mantra – Aum/Om.

7. Crown Chakra / Sahastrara chakra(Pineal gland) - Element - Thought.Colour - Violet.Shape-1008 petal lotus.

This chakra is the opening to the universe - to the highest consciousness and gives experience about who you are ( soul awareness). The seed of consciousness or the blue pearl is situated here. Connects us with our spiritual self.

Connected with upper brain and right eye.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It was 25th January 2008. Nisha was waiting for her husband Akshaye. It was their marriage anniversary. Things had changed since their marriage. From cute couple they turned into a fighting one. They quarreled everyday on every small thing. Nisha gave up thinking that Akshaye must have forgotten their anniversary and surely won’t be back home on time.

Akshaye too didn’t like how the things were going. She was so loving, so caring before marriage how everything got changed so radically. Yet they still loved each other.

It was 4:00 p.m. The bell rang. Nisha was surprisingly happy… Akshaye finally remembered… She ran to open the door. Indeed Akshaye was standing outside. He was smiling and had a bunch of flowers at his hand. The two then started reliving their beautiful days, making up for their quarrels. There was champagne, light music and it was raining a little outside.. Overall the weather too seemed to get romantic along with them.

But the moment came to a slight pause.. The phone in the bedroom was ringing.. Quite agitated Nisha went to pick up the phone. It was a man on the other side...” Hello madam I am calling from the police station. Is it Mr Akshaye Malhotra’s number???”

“Yeah, it is”

There was an accident and a Man. died. We got your number from the man’s purse.We need you to come here and identify the body..”

Nisha’s heart sank. “Whhhhaaat?? B-but my husband is here with me?”

“Sorry madam the accident took place at 3:00 p.m when the man was trying to board a bus”.

Nisha was about to lose her senses. How could this happen? She knew this type of things. She had heard about this. The soul of the person comes to meet you before it parts..She ran to the drawing room.. Akshaye was not there… It is true? Has something that bad really happened to Akshaye??? Has he left her forever??Oh God…had she been given another chance …she would have mended all her faults… She rolled down on the floor awe struck.

Suddenly there was noise from the bathroom.. Akshaye came out …” I forgot to tell u dear my purse was stolen while I was returning home…”

Life might not give u a second chance…..So never waste a moment when u can make up for your deeds.

Live, Laugh, Love

Forget, Forgive :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Game of life

Life is a ball game

Highs and lows,

Ups and downs,

Fast or medium paced

Sometimes as slow as a snail

A googly, surely knocks you down

Stumped, Clean bowled

Only to rise and stand up once again..