Thursday, October 3, 2024


Today the 1st day of Navratri,  Shakti starts it's journey from the Mooladhara/Root/Basic Chakra upwards to merge with Shiva in the Sahasrar/Crown Chakra.

Work on your chakras each day. Identify your vulnerability, your weaknesses and work on them. Release all fear, hurt and hatred whatever you feel in the chakra to Mother Earth for transmutation into higher positive vibrations. 

Close your eyes, feel roots extending from the soles of your feet going deep down into Mother Earth. Feel the dark grey energy flowing into the Earth. Thank Mother Earth for accepting and transmuting the energy.

Start with Root Chakra today 
and tomorrow and reach the Crown on the 9th day. 

You can chant AUM or the Chakra Beej mantra.
Root/Basic/Muladhar Chakra...Lam
Sacral/Swadhisthan  Chakra...Vam
Solar plexus/Manipura Chakra...Ram
Heart/Anahata Chakra ...Yam
Throat/Vishuddhi Chakra...Hum
Third Eye /Ajna Chakra...AUM
Crown/Sahasrar Chakra ...AAH/AUM

As each Chakra gets cleansed, the gross energy transforms into finer subtler energy. You may feel lighter,  Mind chatter lessens, relationship improves, financial issues get resolved  and much more.

That is feel the victory of good over evil, the evil or so called unhealthy energy which resides in each one of us.
Happy Navratri. Maa bless all...

Friday, August 2, 2024

8:8:8 Portal

 Ancestors are smiling and blessings are on the way. You are blessed with a happy and supportive family. Drop  your baggage of unwanted emotions and thoughts to make place for the blessings.

The 8:8:8  portal (08.08.2024) or the Lions Gate opened on 26th july 2024 will last till mid August 2024. The energy will be at its peak on 8th August.
The 8:8:8 portal has come with a burst of energy so be open to receive and connect with the energy of manifestation, love,  abundance  and much more.

Think of one aspect of your life which needs transformation.  Write it down and connect with the energy of the 8:8:8 portal.

How to connect. Sit on a chair with feet touching the ground. Take a few deep breaths to relax your muscles, ease the tension in your body. Close your eyes and say, I am ready to receive the healing energy of the 8:8:8 portal for (whatever you have wished for..only one wish). You may for may not feel the energy or vibrations but rest assured the energy is transformative. Sit for a minimum of 20 mins.
After which rub your hands , place them on the eyes and sweep the energy all over your body including the feet. Slowly open your eyes.

Be the change in your life, bear fruits of love. Abundant blessings of love and light.