Monday, September 9, 2019

Relationship with the Mind

The mind is a continuous chattering box, creating umpteen thoughts regarding decision-making, reaction and response,
thus leading to a frustrated or an unbalanced psyche filled with stress, fear, anxiety....a psychological mess.
So how does one get out of the turbulence and be at peace, enjoying every moment called life....
A very simple method is to stop letting your mind make decisions for you.  Instead relieve the mind of all control issues. In other words, relieve your mind of making you wish that everyone and everything around you will be the way you want them to be. Just accept every situation, place or person as though it was meant to be.
Have a healthy relationship with your mind. Whenever it speaks up by telling you what you should or should not do in order to suit your inner needs or preconceived ideas, ignore it. Stop the mind from fixing your inner mess because you are the guilty one who conjured up the mind to find outer solutions to your internal problem.
Let's do an experiment...Someone does not acknowledge your presence... You are walking on the street , you smile or say hello to a friend. But this friend chooses to walk by without batting an eyelid. What happens now!!! A battery of charged up emotions and thoughts are being processed with fervour and fury in your mind. Is the friend angry at me?? Did he/she ignore me purposefully?? A feeling of rejection leaving you morose, dejected and unwanted..
Here's when you need to ignore your thoughts and emotions inspite of the mind cooking up a number of questions and answers. Just be a watcher. Watch your mind play up all that it wishes to. Do not fight it. Disengage from the thoughts and the turmoil will subside slowly. Take a deep breath, exhale slowly, relax your body, release and let go. Just be aware that you are letting it all go...For the mind is beautiful and  powerful , use it for creating positive thoughts for yourself and others .
Do this on a regular basis and free yourself of all the inner chaos. e.g. before you pick up a phone or before you talk to your boss etc remind yourself that you will refrain from getting entangled in your own drama. In this way you will create a persistent awareness of being in awareness.
Whatever you do, do it with passion and joy whether at home or at work. Live each day as though you were on vacation. Relationships with family, friends or colleagues can be full of happy moments. You need to enjoy every moment, give it your 100 percent.
And when you sleep at night, just drop your days experiences and let it go. In this way you live your life without getting upset or worried. You should be living your life instead of fearing it.
Live in awareness because you are the ruler of your life not your preconceived emotions or thoughts...Go ahead...just be yourself!!!!

Monday, June 10, 2019

On the Road to Self Discovery

How well do I know Myself!!!!
Do I really know myself???
My strengths and my weaknesses???
My likes and dislikes???
Do I have the wisdom to understand myself to be able to compete with myself ???
Can I jot down my tendencies especially the negative ones???
Muster up the will and the courage and do it.
You will be surprised that first on the list will appear control issues.
Most of us today face tremendous control issues; children as well as adults. Maybe at home, at work, in school, everywhere. The tendency to correct or be judgemental of others is one example. We want everything done our way. When the opposite party fails to think and act like us, we get angry and frustrated. Fury and rage grips us.
Expectations from others, such as wanting them to ask whether we need help in our work or the inability to allocate work to others and ultimately end up doing most of the work oneself, leads to mental and physical fatigue.
We also like honesty in everything but fail to realise that not everyone is honest. White lies, partial truths and full time liars exist.
Am I kind hearted or sometimes cruel???
Am I poverty conscious???
Am I able to enjoy the now or worried about the future???
These are preliminary questions we need to answer in order to successfully know ourselves.
The list is endless.
With this process of inquiry, begins our journey of self-discovery.
Of knowing yourself in and out.
Let us begin today...
Shall we????

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What is Pain and how to release it

What is Pain??
Pain is the sensation which is felt in your being. Pain can be a manifestation of trauma either physical or emotional. Pain is when you hit your elbow but choose to ignore it. Then it happens a couple of times, you are unable to bend your arm, it hurts. You end up popping painkiller pills. The physical body is in pain. That's when awareness sets in. You take care so that the action is not repeated.
Pain is when the person you love refuses to acknowledge your presence or your boyfriend of couple of years chooses to marry someone else. Pain is when there are arguments and you are proved wrong. Pain is when someone cheats you. A razor-toothed shard pierces your heart. To make matters worse, you are expected to keep a bold front, a smiling radiant face.
The so called feelings of hurt stir within.
Do these feelings matter??? Yes!!! Not to anyone but yourself. A lot of toxic and negative energies are released from our system. When all these different types of pain remain untreated, the hurt precipitates in the various parts of our body leading to dis-ease.

So what to do??? Release and let go is the answer. Easier said than done.
Here is my version of how to rid yourself of pain.
For Physical pain - Sit on a chair with feet touching the ground. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale very slowly. Relax your body as you exhale slowly. Repeat three times or till there is a calming effect. In your mind's eye turn your attention to the area where you are experiencing pain. Look at it gently for a minute, feel and experience the pain and let it go. In your mind talk to the pain, say: Lesson learnt, I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
Do this daily for 2 minutes or till the pain ceases to exist.
For emotional pain - Sit on a chair with feet touching the ground. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale very slowly. Relax your body as you exhale slowly. Repeat three times or till there is a calming effect. Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet anchoring you into Mother Earth. Now visualise a ball of golden white light above your head. See it enter your head, filling it completely and slowly moving downwards into your chest, arms, torso and legs. See the ball fill up every cell in your body. As the ball moves downwards feel the emotions of hurt being lifted out of every muscle, tissue, cells, i.e. the entire body and forcing it out of your body through the soles of your feet into the core of mother earth, the burning fire of Mother Earth. Say: I release all the feelings of hurt into Mother Earth. Feel the release through the soles of your feet. Visualise the body filled with love, peace, joy and happiness.
Now visualise the person who hurt you and see him/her filled with love, peace, joy and happiness. You are smiling. Slowly open your eyes.
This technique can be used to release all types of toxic emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy, anxiety, frustration and many others.
Relationships can be mended too. You can use the technique for emotional pain. During visualisation when you see the person filled with love recite: I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Say three times. Imagine both of you smiling and radiating peace and love.
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. When you are ready slowly open your eyes.
Blessings of love and light...

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Generational Healing

At times, we find ourselves stuck for no apparent reason and no matter what we do, there is no moving forwards; be it issues regarding health, wealth, career, relationships.
When such situations arise, it is suggested to look for a pattern within one's family i.e. near and dear ones, extended family as well as your ancestors.
Analyse, is the pattern repetitive? If Yes, then the origin of one's problems could be  ancestral or generational. These blockages or chords need to be cleared in order to move forwards.
The easiest method is to recite the Ho'opponopono.
"I am Sorry,
Please forgive me,
I love you,
Thank you."
Recite these four lines 21 times at night before going to sleep and let the subconscious do the needful.
Also, invoke Archangel Michael to cut any chords/hooks/chains attached to the problem at hand.
Then say "I release all attachments, emotions and memories to the XYZ problem which may have been carried by me through all directions of time and space past, present and future."
Ask Archangel Michael to cover you with a protective shield and keep you protected always.
Last but not the least, thank God, parents, and ancestors (both maternal and paternal origin) and all higher spiritual beings for their help.
Continue till the problem resolves.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Serpent Awakens

Shed the boundaries
Wipe each layer of dust
Release the I, Me, Myself
Fathomless dark pit,
Eerie, Cold and dreary
Help me, I cry
All in vain.
Lost and helpless
Not knowing what to do
Get up, my child. I hear.
Hope Rising.
A brave front, courage.
Gropping in the dark
A foothold, a ladder
Climbing begins.
Each step treading very slowly
Cautious but alert and aware
Time stops still.
A never ending pit.Sigh!!!
Fire yonder
Rising upwards
Warm and serene
Light, at last.
All is one.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Each of us has our own individual life's purpose on this planet. So why try to live up to others expectations? At the same time, why expect from others? Emotional drama comes into play with feelings of being let down when things go wonky. It is so hurtful for all parties concerned. Therefore, letting go of all expectations is the focus for Today.
Take a break. Breathe slowly, focus on your breath. Allow your mind to wander into nothingness.
Be blessed and blissful Today.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Remember the days we spent together,
Remember the days when I held your hand,
Hearts racing, pondering what next!!!
Moist eyes and quivering lips, we move apart.
The world stood still,
Crumbling blocks,
In the days to come,
Remember the things that made you glad,
Remember the friend who held your hand,
Remember the days well spent together,
Remember the troubles that made you strong,
Remember the blessings that made you smile,
And Remember to forgive one and all....
Love you always!!!