In additition to the seven chakras, a subtle system of channels reside within the energy/bioplasmic body. These channels are the psychic nerve currents called as nadis. There are about 72,000 nadis and resemble the network of nerves in our nervous system. Sushumna, Ida and Pingala originate from below the Basic or Root chakra (Muladhara) are the most important nadis through which energy/prana flows in a spiral motion.
From Basic or Root chakra, Ida and Pingala alternate at each chakra until they reach Third Eye chakra (Ajna) where they meet again with Sushumna (Mukta Triveni). Continuing beyond Ajna chakra, Ida ends in the left nostril and and Pingala in the right nostril.
Sushumna nadi is the central channel, rises straight up from below the Basic chakra (Muladhara) to Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) at the top of the head. It appears to be associated with the river Saraswati.
Energy/Prana crisscrosses from left to right and right to left. When energy spirals to the left it flows through the Ida nadi. Ida is white, feminine, cold, represents the moon and is associated with the river Ganga. Ida is also known as Chandra nadi.
When energy spirals to the right it flows through the Pingala nadi. Pingala is red, masculine, hot, represents the sun and is associated with the river Yamuna. Pingala is also regarded as the Surya nadi.
Kundalini Shakti (Sacred Fire), is symbolized by a serpent coiled into three and a half circles around the central axis Svayambhu-linga at the base of the spine. The serpent lies blocking the entrance to Sushumna, the central channel with his mouth. Sushumna remains closed at its lower end as long as Kundalini is static.
In Kundalini Yoga Energy/Prana is guided to move through Ida and Pingala down to the base of the spine into the space where Kundalini lies coiled. As the energy spirals, it moves down pathways that form the spiral from the top of the head to the base. Shakti Kundalini will then awaken and rise up Sushumna, energizing the seven chakras.
Once the Kundalini Shakti has ascended through Sushumna to Crown Chakra, the highest psychic center at the top of the head, it is made to reverse its course and return to rest in the base center again.
When the kundalini is awakened, the positive and negative qualities within a person gets magnified. Therefore practice of inner purification is of utmost importance. Kundalini syndrome may manifest as insomnia, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, hypertension, overheating of the body to name a few.
This is a very powerful yogic technique and the practitioner has to be guided by well trained personnel only.